Athletics and Sports

Teamwork and Sportsmanship
The after-school athletic program is an extension of the educational mission of Saint Nicholas Catholic School. Our after-school sports program is primarily recreational and commits itself to provide a positive athletic experience to children of all ability levels. Saint Nicholas Catholic School offers four seasons of sports to boys and girls in grades 4th-8th.
In January, Saint Nicholas Catholic School hosts the Kevin Kannengeiser Tournament, a regional Basketball tournament for 8th graders, and offers sports programs in soccer and golf for Celtics in K-4th grade as well.
Athletics • Kevin Kannengeiser Tournament • K-3 Sports Offerings • Activities and Extended Care
Athletics Program
Saint Nicholas School offers sports thoughout the school year for boys and girls in 4th-8th grades, who play against other local Catholic schools. Our program includes the following sports:
Flag Football

St. Nicholas Annual Basketball Tournament
For over 50 years, St. Nicholas School has hosted the Annual Invitational Kevin Kannengesier Basketball Tournament in February. Open to 8th grade boys and girls, teams from both the Diocese of San Jose and Archdiocese of San Francisco compete developing community and lifelong memories.
K-3 Sports Offerings
Coach Ken Soccer
St. Nicholas brings Coach Ken's popular soccer program to you! Coach Ken teaches soccer players both technical and tactical skills. Our curriculum is progressive and ever-evolving. Using a wide variety of fun exercises, we consistently teach kids new skills to challenge them to reach their full potential.
PGA Golf
TGA Golf teaches kids the game of golf through easy-to-understand concepts & interactive games that are fun and engaging. Using skill-based drills that can be done anywhere (indoors or outdoors, at school, or on the golf course), students develop the fundamentals, explore academic concepts through game play, and practice life skills — such as sportsmanship and respect.